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A nonprofit organization committed to advancing ethical practices and policies in technology

Our Mission


Our mission is to foster responsible innovation and ethical practices in technology for the benefit of society. We bring together diverse stakeholders across private, public, and civic sectors to collaborate on developing policies, recommendations, and best practices that uphold ethical values. Through research, advocacy, and education, we aim to build consensus and drive change toward greater transparency, accountability, inclusion, and justice in the development and implementation of technology. By promoting ethical standards and policy reforms, we envision a future where all technological progress puts people and planet first.


Technology today impacts nearly every aspect of society, bringing unprecedented advances as well as new challenges. While innovation promises progress, the ethical implications must also be considered. Our organization believes deeply in the potential of technology to better lives, which is why ensuring its ethical development is so essential. When core values like accountability, transparency, inclusivity, and respect for human rights guide technological progress, the most good can be achieved. We are bringing together diverse voices across fields and backgrounds to promote policies and best practices that advance ethical technology. It is work that supports innovation that is worthy of trust and centered on shared human values. We invite you to join us as we build toward a more ethical technological future that benefits all.



At the heart of our mission is the belief that the future of technology should be shaped by those who will inherit it. Teenagers, with their innate understanding of the digital landscape and fresh perspectives, bring a unique and vital energy to the table. By entrusting young minds with the responsibility of steering this initiative, we not only foster an environment of innovation but also ensure that ethical considerations are at the forefront of technological advancements. Our organization is committed to empowering the next generation to actively engage in shaping a digital world that prioritizes integrity, inclusivity, and responsible use of technology. Together, we aspire to create a future where technology serves as a force for positive change, guided by the ethical principles instilled by the very individuals who will be most affected by its evolution.

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